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Tree stump

When a tree is cut down, a stump of wood is usually left behind. These unsightly stumps can be removed via a process called stump grinding, where specialist machinery is used to grind the wooden tree stump down to chippings.

But is this actually necessary? Granted, a bare tree stump can be unattractive, but are there are any reasons to remove a tree stump other than making the landscape more picturesque?


Do tree stumps really need to be removed?

Yes - once a tree has fallen, the stump should be removed from the ground.

In addition to making the area more aesthetically pleasing, stump removal reduces the risk of...

  • SUCKERING - If a tree's stump and roots remain in the ground, 'suckers' may begin to emerge from the root system. These growths can become a nuisance (especially if they grow up through your lawn or disrupt paving stones) and may even grow into a new plant if left alone.

  • DISEASE - Dead tree stumps may be vulnerable to diseases and fungal growths. Honey fungus is just one example of a fungus that thrives near dead wood - growths like this can be bad news for other plants growing nearby and may even pose a health risk, especially to children and pets.

  • INSECTS - Tree stumps can make an attractive home for beetles, ants and other bugs. If you'd prefer to keep these beasties out of your garden, it's a good idea to destroy any tree stumps before they can move in!

So tree stumps don't just get in the way - they can actually cause a lot of different problems for your garden as a whole.

If you've got a stump that needs to be removed, call Taylor Total Weed Control on 029 2039 7554 to request a stump grinding quote.

Tree Stump Removal   Contact Taylor Total Weed Control

Photo from Pixabay

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