Worried about Japanese knotweed? Book a FREE site survey and we’ll send an invasive weed specialist to take a look.
Taylor Weed Control
Free Knotweed Survey
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japanese knotweed - why is it so hard to remove 

If you’re familiar with Japanese knotweed, you probably already know that it’s a very difficult plant to get rid of – but why is that the case?

There are a number of features that make Japanese knotweed so difficult to remove and kill. If you’d like to find out more about why knotweed is so difficult to treat without professional help and the best way to permanently kill it, keep reading!


Speed of growth

One feature Japanese knotweed is well known for is the rapid rate at which it grows. During its peak growing period in summer, knotweed can grow up to 10cm a day!

One implication of this speedy growth is that, if Japanese knotweed removal is delayed by even a few weeks, it can increase significantly in size. The sheer mass of Japanese knotweed and the pace at which it can over take an entire property makes it one difficult customer indeed!

The longer Japanese knotweed is left unattended, the more difficult it will be to remove. If you have a Japanese knotweed presence on your property, it is best to act sooner rather than later.


Perhaps the most significant factor of knotweed removal difficulties is its extensive rhizome system. Knotweed rhizomes can grow as deep as 3 metres and laterally 7 metres across.

There are different techniques and methods one can utilise when controlling a Japanese knotweed infestation – if you’d like to have the knotweed excavated, the actual digging out of the roots can be a very laborious task.

If you are attempting to remove Japanese knotweed by digging it out, there is another way in which the rhizome root system causes complications. If even the smallest amount of rhizome is left behind in the soil, a whole new plant can grow back.

You may think that you have successfully removed all of the knotweed, but unfortunately a knotweed rhizome can lie dormant in the soil for up to 20 years.


How to permanently remove Japanese knotweed

When it comes to permanently removing or killing Japanese knotweed, the best way to ensure that it has been done properly is to invest in professional knotweed removal services, especially now we know that if you fail to remove Japanese knotweed properly, rhizome fragments can hibernate in the soil and regrow into new knotweed plants years down the line!

If you’re looking for reliable and professional Japanese knotweed removal services, Taylor Total Weed Control can help.

Japanese Knotweed Removal Services


If you suspect you may have a knotweed presence on your property, send us a photo and a member of our team will be happy to help you determine whether or not the plant growing in your garden is knotweed or not. Alternatively, we also offer FREE knotweed surveys!

Our survey will determine whether or not there is knotweed present on your property, where it’s located, and how much there is. We will offer a bespoke treatment plan that’s best suited to your property and knotweed presence, all with a no-nonsense quote for our services.

Free Knotweed Survey


Read More: Can Japanese Knotweed Be Removed by Anyone?

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