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can japanese knotweed cause skin irritation

Whether you're an avid gardener or a homeowner who's come across Japanese knotweed in their garden, you might be wondering whether Japanese knotweed can cause skin irritation. You should always be cautious when you're touching plants in your garden because, besides the common nettles and thistles that we all know have a nasty sting, other plant species can be irritants too.

It's advisable that you wear gardening gloves and long-sleeved clothing whenever you're working in the garden, to reduce the chances of skin irritation. But is Japanese knotweed one of the plants you need to worry about?

If you've never come across Japanese knotweed before (which most of us haven't) then you're right to be cautious. For all you know, this invasive, non-native plant could cause skin burns, nettle-like stings, or something worse! After all of the bad press that Japanese knotweed gets for being a "monster" in the garden, it's surely got to cause skin irritation or some other harm to humans - hasn't it?! Let's find out...

Does contact with Japanese knotweed cause skin irritation?

No, Japanese knotweed is not a plant that causes skin irritation in humans. Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, states that some knotweeds (such as Giant hogweed) are dangerous & shouldn't be touched with bare skin. However, Japanese knotweed will not harm you, cause burns or irritate your skin if you touch it. 

Is Japanese knotweed dangerous to humans?

While Japanese knotweed might be a nuisance in your garden, it can't actually cause you any harm. We've shared multiple blogs (find them at the end of this article) about the different kinds of recipes people can whip up with Japanese knotweed. So, no, Japanese knotweed is not dangerous to humans. 

Is Giant hogweed dangerous?

Yes, Giant hogweed is listed as one of the plants that can cause some serious damage if you come into contact with it. It's been known to cause blisters, rashes, and skin irritation - but in worst cases has actually caused blindness. 

This is why it's really important that you wear protective gloves and long-sleeved clothing whenever you're working in the garden. It's easy to get Japanese knotweed and Giant hogweed confused because they're fairly similar to look at. So, before you go grabbing, pulling, or poking around in the garden, be sure you know what you're dealing with. It's always better to take precautions and be wrong about a plant than it is to take no precautions at all and end up with severe skin irritation. 

Why is Japanese knotweed considered dangerous if it doesn't irritate our skin?

The main reason we are taught to be so concerned when we find Japanese knotweed in our gardens is that it can cause significant structural damage to buildings, pathways, and other areas of our gardens. It's important that you get any plants that resemble Japanese knotweed identified quickly so you can start taking appropriate action. See our identification page if you're unsure what to look for.

Japanese Knotweed Identification >

Here at Taylor Total Weed Control, we've been helping people up and down the country to recognise, report and treat Japanese knotweed for decades. We understand that Japanese knotweed can be a real headache, and even though Japanese knotweed won't cause skin irritation, it can be very irritating to get rid of! Please do not try to remove Japanese knotweed yourself. It is a very difficult task and if you leave any trace of the ribosomes in the soil, you will find it reoccurs time and time again. Find out more about our Japanese knotweed removal services below. 

Japanese Knotweed Removal >

If you've found Japanese knotweed in your garden, don't despair. We can help you treat it quickly and effectively. Give us a call on 029 2039 7554 and we'll be happy to get the ball rolling for you. 

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