If you're in the market for a new home, there are lots of different factors that you need to take into consideration. As well as checking that the house is structurally sound, there aren't any major issues, and that it satisfies your wants and needs, it's important that you ask about Japanese knotweed and whether there's any present in the local area.

(Image from Pixabay)
As specialists who deal with Japanese knotweed in a range of locations, we are often asked - should I buy a house with Japanese knotweed next door?
Buying a house with knotweed next door
In response to these people, we almost always say yes! If you've found the house of your dreams, you shouldn't let a Japanese knotweed infestation next door put you off purchasing it. No matter how big or small the infestation is, there are steps you can take to ensure that it doesn't encroach from next door's property onto yours.
Japanese knotweed infestations are known for spreading rapidly, so you might think that even though the problem is isolated next door for now, it could easily spread. When you choose to buy a property with Japanese knotweed next door you will need to be proactive in keeping an eye on the problem and work with your new neighbours to get the problem resolved. If that's not something you're prepared to do, then maybe have a look at properties elsewhere.
That being said, if you've got your heart set on a particular home, we're here to reassure you that you can and should buy a house, even if there's Japanese knotweed next door.
Will I be able to get a mortgage if the neighbour has knotweed?
Yes, you shouldn't have any issue getting a mortgage if there's Japanese knotweed on a neighbouring property. Issues can arise if the Japanese knotweed is on the property you're buying, but even then, most lenders will still grant you a mortgage as long as you have an appropriate treatment plan in place. So, regardless of whether the Japanese knotweed is on your property, or on a neighbouring one, you shouldn't have any problems getting a mortgage.
What if the Japanese knotweed encroaches on my land?
If, once you've purchased the property, you notice that the Japanese knotweed is encroaching on your land, then you might be able to pursue legal action. Neighbours are under no legal obligation to treat or remove Japanese knotweed that's only impacting their property, but once the Japanese knotweed has crossed the boundaries into your property, they need to legally do something about it.
One way you can get on top of the problem before this happens is to look at a Japanese knotweed monitoring program. Here at Taylor Total Weed Control, we are more than happy to attend your property periodically throughout the year to take note of the infestation and keep track of its whereabouts. As soon as we notice that it's spreading onto your property, we can spring into action and either help you pursue a legal case or help to get the problem dealt with quickly.
Approach the situation amicably
Most homeowners prefer to avoid the legal headaches that come with Japanese knotweed and try to deal with the problem amicably. Having a frank discussion with the neighbours and notifying them about your concern might encourage them to get the problem dealt with. Having the knotweed treated and removed is sure to be a quicker, cheaper, more amicable resolution, versus leaving the problem to spread and the legal implications that come with that.
We are more than happy to help you approach your neighbours and provide them with a quote to have the Japanese knotweed treated. It's possible that your new neighbour didn't even know that they had Japanese knotweed on their property, so you might be doing them a favour by letting them know before the problem escalates.
If you have any concerns about buying a house with Japanese knotweed, or if your neighbour has knotweed, we'd love for you to get in touch so we can talk through some options with you! Contact us using the button below. Be sure to take a look at some of our other helpful resources too!
Contact Taylor Total Weed Control >
Additional Resources:
- What to Do If Your Neighbour Has Japanese Knotweed
- Can I Be Sued if Japanese Knotweed Spreads Onto Neighbouring Land?
- Can You Get a Mortgage on a Property With Japanese Knotweed?